Namaz Time :

Prophet Ishaq (PBUH)

Prophet Ishaq's life

Who is Prophet Ishaq?

As the article about Prophet Ismail (PBUH) explained, Prophet Ishaq was his half-brother. He was born to Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and his first wife, Sarah. The couple was old and aged when they received the glad tidings about the arrival of their child, a baby boy who would grow up to become a prophet.

When was Prophet Ishaq (PBUH) Born?

He was born in 1896 B.C. in present-day Palestine. At the time of his birth, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was 100 years old, and Sarah was 90 years old.

When the angels, Jibraeel, Mikaeel, and Israfeel, came to give them the good news, they were both in disbelief. Sarah (AS) said:

How can I have a child in this old age? My husband is an old man. The angels replied: "Are you astonished by Allah's decree? Indeed, He is praiseworthy and all-glorious!" (11:72)

Prophet Ishaq’s Family Tree

His family tree consists of many Prophets. They are as follows:

Ishaaq (Isaac) (A.S.) – bin Ibraheem (A.S.) (Abraham) – bin Azar (Tarikh, Terah) – bin Nahur (Nahor) – bin Sarugh (Serug) – bin Ra‘u (Reu) – bin Faligh (Peleg) – bin Abir – bin Shalikh (Salah) – bin Arfakhshand (Arpachshad) – bin Sam (Shem) – bin Nuh (A.S.) (Noah) – bin Lamik (Lamech) – bin Mitushilkh (Methuselah) – bin Idris (A.S.) (Akhnukh, Enoch) bin – Yarid (Jared) – bin Mahlaeel (Mahalalel) – bin Qaynan (Kenan) – bin Anoush (Enos) – bin Sheeth (A.S.) (Seth) – bin Adam (A.S.).

Father: Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)

Mother: Sarah (AS)

Brother: Prophet Ismail (PBUH)

Wife: Rafakah (Rebecca)

Children: Esau and Yaqoub

The Life of Prophet Ishaq (PBUH)

Where was Prophet Ishaq Born?

He was born in the area of Sham, consisting of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan. Today, it is primarily in Palestine.

Who was Prophet Ishaq’s Wife?

Prophet Ibrahim was old at the time of his birth, and as he grew older, he wanted his son to get married. He, therefore, instructed him to marry Rafaqah, daughter of Batwil. She was Prophet Ibrahim’s cousin’s daughter.

The couple also faced the same problem as Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Sarah (AS). They remained childless for many years, but they prayed patiently to Allah. And Allah finally blessed them with twins Esau and Yaqoub.

Prophet Ishaq and the People of Kanaan

He was sent to the people of Kanaan. He tried to convince them to follow Allah’s commands his whole life. During his old age, he became blind and settled in the city of Hebron, Palestine, with his son Yaqoub.

When Did Prophet Ishaq Die?

He passed away in 1716 B.C. at the age of 180 years. He is buried next to his father, Prophet Ibrahim. Rafaqah, his wife, is also buried near him.

Prophet Ishaq in the Quran

Allah mentions Prophet Ishaq mentions 17 times in the Quran.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said about him:

The noble son of the noble son of the noble son of the nobleman is Yusuf the son of Yaqub, son of Ishaq, son of Ibrahim (Peace be upon them all). (Bukhari)

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