Namaz Time :

What is Islam

Islam is a monotheistic religion, And the followers believe in the oneness of god. Islam means giving up your desires, submitting yourself to Allah Almighty, and following the right path. It follows the principles that the prophet Muhammad taught and what god told him. Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah, and there is the only creator of this universe is Allah almighty,

A brief understanding of the topic

Islam is one of the fastest-growing and largest religions on this planet with around 1.8 billion followers. Sources say that Islam is the most studied religion. But unfortunately, most people have only misunderstood Islam, overlooking the depth, wisdom, and insight it holds.
It is the religion of love and peace and unity.
It gives hope to the hopeless and provides light to people in darkness, In today’s blog, we are going to discuss briefly why Islam is the most beautiful and righteous way of life and it is famous for its beautiful culture, the Miracles of the Quran, and its spirituality.

What is Islam?

Islam is a monotheistic religion, And the followers believe in the oneness of god. Islam means giving up your desires, submitting yourself to Allah Almighty, and following the right path.
It follows the principles that the Prophet Muhammad taught and what god revealed to him. Muslims believe that Allah is the sole creator and Muhammad is His last prophet.
Islam promotes justice, kindness, and respect for others. Moreover, it teaches Muslims to seek knowledge, ponder about themselves, and grow emotionally and spiritually.
Quran is their holy book and they follow the moral, social, and spiritual rules written in the Quran.
No doubt Islam’s teachings cover many aspects of life, such as faith, worship, social relations, and how to act as an individual.
God’s last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) has done numerous miracles with the help of Allah and shown proof that he is the true and last Prophet sent by God.
Overall, Islam is a way of life and Muslims follow the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) by giving up worldly desires and fighting the evil which weakens them

Brief History of Islam

The Beginning of Islam and how it evolved:

In the seventh century CE, Hazrat Muhammad brought Islam to the Arabian peninsula. He was born in Mecca in the year 570 CE.
When he was 40 years old, God’s Word came to him through Angel Gabriel when he was in the Cave of Hira, located in Saudi Arabia.
The Islamic holy book, the Quran is based on these revelations sent to Prophet Muhammad over the course of 23 years.

The early hurdles:

At first, Mecca’s people Quresh didn’t want to listen to Muhammad (PBUH) because his message was against their polytheistic beliefs and practices.
Muhammad (PUBH) Prophet and his followers faced many obstacles. There came a time when they were boycotted from the tribe and the Quresh made a plan to kill Him.
Many Meccans didn’t like the message of Islam, Which emphasized worshipping one God and avoiding idols. It went against their strongly held polytheistic beliefs and fake gods that put their social standings and tribal ties at risk.
Early Muslims were pushed to the side and left out of society as a result.

Economic ban:

During the revelation of the Quran, the number of Muslims was increasing. This was a revolution in the making which had never been seen before. Muslims were becoming stronger day by day.
Quraesh Saw this and they were afraid of Muslims becoming more powerful, The Quraesh put Muhammad (PBUH) on an economic ban. This meant that the Muslims were cut off from the rest of Mecca’s economy and society.
They were unable to sell or trade with other people there. This ban went on for three years and caused Muslims a lot of trouble.


Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers migrated to Medina in 622 because the situation was getting hostile and their safety was at risk.
The Prophet (PUBH) had a dream in which he saw himself going somewhere.

Abu Musa Said that the prophet (PUBH) said,” In a dream, I saw myself leaving Makkah and going to a place with date palms.I thought it was AI-Yamamah or Hajar,”
But it was actually Madinah or Yathrib. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

After coming to Medina Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) took some important steps:

Building constitution:

Muhammad (PBUH) set some rules for the government.

Muslim newcomers(Called muhajir) signed a treaty and the People who already lived in Medina (Called Ansar), as well as the Jewish tribes in the area. This was a social contract that laid out the rules of government, freedom of religion, mutual defense, and the rights and duties of different groups in the community. The Prophet worked hard to bring together the mixed Muslim community in Medina, which was both Arab and non-arab Muslims.

Deficiencies and peace territories:

Mecca and other Arab tribes were against the spread of Islam and sent armed threats to (PBUH). He used Strategy to make peace deals and alliances with neighboring tribes to keep the Muslim community safe and stable.

Setting up social and economic justice:

Hazrat Muhammad took steps to fix the social and economic problems in his town. He encouraged people to be kind and generous, and he stressed how important it was to help those who are less wealthy. He also set up a way for widows, Orphans, and other people in need to get cash and material help.

Kaba Before & After Prophet Muhammad:

In Islam, the Kaba is the holy place of worship, and Abraham (Prophet Ibrahim) and his son Ismail built this.


Kaba was a holy place for the Bedouin groups. People from the Bedouin tribes used to travel to Mecca once a year to worship their gods in the Kabba. They used to worship statues and idols. The kaba was full of different statues which were gods for the Bedouin group. There was no humanity, lack of wisdom, class difference, slavery, or material things offered to God (one form of revenue), people buried their baby girls alive……


Over time, Muhammad’s followers grew and Islam gained more governmental and social power. In 630 CE, Muhammad PUBH and his followers returned to Mecca and quietly took over the city. They cleansed the Kabbah of the idols and turned it into a place of worship for the Muslims.

Early days of Islam:

In the early days of Islam, both military victories and peaceful conversion led to Muslim territory spreading quickly. Some of the biggest empires that fell to Islamic forces were the Byzantine and Persian ones. Islam spread to places like the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Spain, the Indian subcontinent, and Central Asia. Muhammad’s guidance and teachings helped the first Muslims make decisions about their faith, how to act in society, and how to run their government. After he died in 632 CE, his companions kept spreading the word of Islam around the world.

Key figures in Islamic history:

There were many sacrifices and influences of a large number of people in the growth of Islam. It was not easy many people sacrificed their children. Some lost their wives and houses. But because of their loyalty and companionship with the Prophet (PBUH), today Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world.

Prophet Muhammad:

Allah revealed the Quran to Muhammad (S.A.W.W), the last Muslim prophet. He taught Islam through his speech and actions and guided early Muslims in faith, Administration, and social conduct.

Khadija bint Khuwaylid:

Muhammad’s (PUBH) first wife and one of the first Muslim women. She is known as the mother of all Muslims. Early Islam needed her assistance and Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) needed her companionship.

Abu Bakr:

Muhammad’s close friend and the first caliph of Islam after his death. His reign united Muslims and he led military Campaigns.

Umer ibn Al-Khattab:

Umar became the second caliph after Abu Bakr and expanded the Muslim state. He was a great leader of the Muslim Ummah and stood with Prophet Muhammad.

Ali ibn Abhi Talib:

Muhammad’s cousin, son-in-law, and fourth caliph. He was given the title of Allah’s lion because of his bravery and courage, which is incomparable even today. He was the Father of Imam e Hussain and Hassan.

These and other important personalities affected Islamic history, scholarship, and understanding. Their teachings continue to influence Muslims and the world.

Basic Tents in Islam

What is belief?

Belief is trust without proof. Religion, Philosophy, Politics, and personal views can influence our knowledge, behavior, and decisions. Beliefs can be personal, cultural, differ from person to person and it can be changed over time

The meaning of belief in Allah.

The fundamental principle of Islam is faith in Allah. It means believing that Allah is the one and only god, the god who created the entire universe. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last Prophet of Allah. They believe in the final day of judgment and that every person will be held accountable for his deeds. Belief in Allah is central to Islam and serves as a guide to morality for daily life.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Shahada (declaration of faith)

The shahada, Or Declaration of Faith, is Islam’s central creedal statement. It is proof that Allah Almighty sent Muhammad and that there is no other god deserving of worship but Allah. A person who sincerely recites the Shahada becomes a member of the Muslim faith.

How to say Shahadah At home?

Taking shahadah is simple and easy, You just have to repeat words with Sureness and believe in your heart that Allah almighty alone is worthy of worship and Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger of Allah.

أَشْهَدُ أنْ لا إلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَأشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
 Transliteration: ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu wa-ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhoo wa rasooluhu.

What does the Shahada mean?

Translation: “I bear witness that there is no God but God (Allah – i.e. there is none worthy of worship but Allah),the one alone, without partner and Muhammad is the Messenger and servant of Allah.”

Salat (Prayer)

Salat prayer is the traditional prayer obligatory for Muslims to perform five times a day. it is a source of communication with Allah and asking for His help and blessings. Muslims pray five times a day at specific times, facing the Kaba and reciting verses from the Quran while making bodily gestures like bowing and prostrating. Here is what the Quran says about Salah:

Namaz should be perform on time
Punishment for skipping prayers

Sawm (fasting during Ramadan)

The 9th month of the lunar calendar is the Islamic month of Ramadan, and during this time Muslims around the world fast known, as Swam.
From dawn till dusk, Muslims do not eat anything. People around the world view fasting as a means of self-control introspection, and spiritual purification. It helps strengthen faith in Allah and increases compassion for the needy.

Zakat (charity)

To purify one’s wealth and aid the needy Muslims must make charitable contributions known as zakat. It is a spiritual practice and is obligatory for anyone who owns a substantial amount of gold and wealth. Every year, practicing Muslims should calculate and donate 2.5% of their surplus wealth to help the needy, and worthy causes.

Things can help after death in islam

Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

The Hajj is a yearly religious pilgrimage to the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca, considered by many to be the holiest site on earth. Muslims who are in good health and financial standing should make the trip once in their lifetime.

Hajj importance

Islamic culture and practices

Dress code for Muslims

Muslims all over the world wear clothing following Islam, their cultural practices, and personal preferences. Here are some general rules and dress codes that Muslims follow.

Quran verce about hijab


Hijab Style

The Hijab is the name for the modest clothes that Muslim women wear. Usually, this means covering your hair and neck and wearing loose-fitting clothes that don’t show off your body shape. The hijab can be a headscarf, a loose outer dress like an abaya or chador, or a mix of clothes that make a woman look more modest.


Niqab style

Some Muslim women choose to wear the niqab, which is a veil that hides the face and leaves only the eyes visible. This is more common in some parts of the world and is seen as a way to be more humble.


Abaya style, Muslim women

The burqa is a full-body covering with a screen over the eyes made of mesh. Most of the Muslim women in Afghanistan and some parts of Pakistan wear it.



In some parts of the world, Muslims mean to wear an open, ankle-length dress called a thobe or jalabiya. It is often worn with a kufi (cap) or hat to cover the head.

Modest clothing

In Islam, both males and females are taught that they should be modest. Muslims are told to wear clothes that fit loosely, don’t show too much skin, and cover the body well. This usually means not wearing clothes that are too tight or see-through, short skirts, shorts, and tops with no sleeves or a low neckline.

Islamic holidays and festivals

Islamic festivals and holidays hold significant importance for Muslims around the world. Here’s a brief explanation of some of the major Islamic festivals:

Eid al-Fitr:

The festival comes after a whole month of fasting. Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr by praying, getting together with their communities, having feasts, and doing good deeds. It is a happy time when families and friends get together.

Eid al-Adha:

It is also called the festival of sacrifice because it commemorates how the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was ready to sacrifice his son as a way to please Allah. Muslims celebrate this holiday by praying, sacrificing animals (like sheep, Goats, or cows), and giving meat to people who don’t have as much. Overall this festival teaches us when the time comes we must be ready to sacrifice for our Religion.

According to Quran and Hadith, there are only two festivals in Islam. But a few groups of people start celebrating many other days and give them a festival name.

Islamic New Year

Also called Hijri New Year, The Islamic New Year is the first day of the Islamic Lunar cycle. Muslims can pray, fast, and think about the meaning of the new year during this time.

Milad al-Nabi:

it is a celebration of the prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birth. Muslims mark this day by praying, reading from the Quran, sharing views about the life and lessons of the prophet, and doing good deeds.


The 10th day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, is the day of Ashura. It means different things to different groups of Muslims. Some people fast and think about the past on this day to remember things like when the prophet Musa (Moses) was freed from the pharaoh, For others, especially Shia Muslims, it is a day to remember and mourn the death of Imam Hussein, who was the grandson of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and was killed for his beliefs.

Family Life and gender role in Islam

In Islam, family life is very important, and males and females have different roles based on what the Quran says and what the prophet Muhammad did. Here is a summary of how family life and gender roles work in Islam.

The importance of family:

Islam emphasizes the importance of family and supports strong loving, and helpful families. People think of the family as the center of society and the main place where children are cared for and raised.

Family importance in islam

Mutual Rights and Responsibilities:

Islam encourages both partners to take care of their rights and responsibilities. Spouses should be kind, respectful, and caring to each other. Our prophet PBUH always emphasized loving your partner and showing kindness towards them. In Islam, They are both responsible for keeping their relationship loving and peaceful, and they are urged to talk to each other and get their ideas across.

Wife abd husband rights in islam

Gender roles:

Islam Knows that males and females have different roles and responsibilities in the home and society, But it stresses equality and balance instead of power over each other. Men are seen as the family’s providers and defenders, While women are expected to care for their children and run the home. But these jobs are not set in stone; they can change depending on culture and the person.

women rights in islam, husband and wife rights, marriage in islam

Parental roles:

it is the job of both parents to raise and educate their children. Islam puts a lot of emphasis on teaching children moral values and making sure they are brought up in a loving and caring setting. Islam teaches parents to spend valuable time with their kids, Teach them about Islam, and become a good example in society.

Quran about mercy

Calendar and Books of Islam

Many books talk about the different parts of Islam. Here are some popular types of Islamic books.


The Quran is the most important book for Muslims. It is a compilation of the revelations sent upon Prophet Muhammad from Allah. It teaches Muslims about Islamic theology, morals, Laws, Science, And stories about other prophets. It’s a 3 3-dimensional book that you can read over and over but the miracle of the Quran will always astonish you every single time. The translation is available in around 114 languages. You can also read it online and buy it with a translation in your language.

Hadith collections:

Ahadith are the sayings of Prophet Muhammad. They give more advice and information about what Islam teaches. Muslims study several collections of ahadith, such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and others, to learn about the prophet’s actions and beliefs.

Islamic History and Biographies:

Many books teach us about the history of Islam the lives of the prophet Muhammad, his followers, and other important people in Islamic history. These books tell us more about the beginning of Islam, how it grew, and what Muslim scholars, scientists, and leaders have done over the years.

Islamic Calender/Lunar Calender:

Islamic months

The world’s fastest-growing religion?

Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion. According to a study, it has been demonstrated that Islam will be the next biggest growing religion. The world population is growing by 32 percent, while the number of Muslims is expected to grow by 70 percent, From 1.8 billion in 2018 to almost 3 billion in 2050. As people search for a deeper meaning in their lives, Islam is becoming the fastest-growing religion in countries like Japan, Korea, China, and the Philippines.

Why Muslims are WORLD’S fastest-growing religious group?

A few years back When people used to talk about Islam the first thing that came to their mind was terrorism, Now it is completely the opposite. Before the internet became more popular, there were not many ways to jump over the wall of false information provided by biased media outlets. You can not find books about Islam in a Buddhist town, where people have a narrow view of the world. Now everyone holds a mobile in their hands and the world is just one touch away from you. People now know that Islam is more logical than other faiths in the way it thinks. It can sometimes show the hard truth. It gives detailed descriptions of wars and rules. It teaches us about science. The Quran has many miracles. And people know it is the most loving religion in the world that talks about every aspect of life.

The famous personalities who recently reverted to Islam

Dave Chappelle:

Dave Chappelle:

The best stand-up comedian in the USA and one of the best in the world became a Muslim in 1998. His brother who had reverted to Islam ten years ago, was a great influence for him to become a Muslim. Later, there were rumors that he left the controversial show in the middle because it was going against his religious beliefs.

Andrew Tate:

Andrew Tate:

Andrew Tate is one of the famous influencers and a former American kickboxer, He was born in Chicago and grew up in Luton. He recently converted to Islam and shared on his Twitter about conversion. According to Andrew, the morals, ethics, and teachings of Islam inspired him to live a good life. He said in multiple interviews that Islam is the only religion on the planet that is logical to him and gives solutions to the problems of the current world. Like Gambling, Drugs, and immodesty.

Omar Epps

Omar Epps

Omar Epps, who is best known as Dr. Foreman on the tv show House, is also said to be a Muslim. Since the actor has always kept his religious beliefs private, there are no proven stories about him becoming a Muslim. However, it is said that his middle name is Hashim and that he is a Muslim by faith.

Nicolas”Nico” (Sneako)

Nicolas”Nico” (Sneako)

Sneako has a huge influence on youngsters. He is a famous online content creator and a young self-made millionaire. He recently converted to Islam from Catholicism. According to Sneako, Islam always inspired him but his parents forced him to become a Christian. He was also an atheist before but his parent was not aware of it. He said he saw evil in society and when he started to learn the Quran he was astonished that it was exactly talking about every issue of society and evil. It urged his curiosity so he decided to learn more about Islam as he was going deeper, His heart started to fill with peace and he felt a sensation of love. He found himself in love with Islam. Later he took his Shahadah in a mosque And now he is a Muslim.


No doubt it is the only true religion left on earth, It is a religion of love and peace. Islam is a one-god faith with about 1.8 billion followers all over the world. It spreads love, peace, and togetherness. Islam is based on the idea that there is only one God and on following what the prophet Muhammad said. The Quran is the holy book of Muslims. it tells Muslims what to believe, how to pray, and how to treat other people. In Islamic society, it’s important to follow all the rules of Islam because it improves your life and social being. It is not as strict as other people have shown in the media. It is the most welcoming and charming religion. A lot of famous people are reverting to Islam. And it will keep attracting people all around the world.


When was Islam started?
Islam started in the year 610 CE after the first Revelation was sent to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Angel Jibraeel brought Allah’s message to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)
What is the meaning of Islam?
The word ‘Islam’ means submission. Muslims submit completely to Allah and aim to lead their lives according to His will.
How many people convert to Islam yearly in the USA?
An estimated 30,000 Americans convert to Islam annually. In many other countries around the world, the numbers are growing rapidly, which is why Islam is becoming the fastest-growing religion in the world.
What is the main belief in Islam?
Muslims’ central belief is:
لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is His Prophet.
Muslims believe in only one God, Allah and Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is His last Prophet.

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