Namaz Time :

Seeking knowledge; absorbing, and applying

Seeking knowledge

I. Introduction 

    A. Definition and significance of knowledge   

Knowledge is the understanding and awareness of things and people around you. It is the expertise and skills acquired by a person in his course of life. Where a particular person is headed in life largely depends upon whether he got the right knowledge for himself or not. Seeking knowledge is a necessity no one can deny, no matter what religion he belongs to. In Islam, seeking knowledge has a special place described as follows.

    B. The importance of knowledge in Islam 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The Prophets and the Messengers do not leave any inheritance behind, they don’t leave lands, houses, palaces or goods behind. They leave knowledge behind as their inheritance. 

Hence, this makes a Muslim inheritor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) if he is on the road of knowledge. 

The importance of knowledge in Islam can be determined by the fact that Allah started the revelation of the Quran by word; 

                                                                         اقرأ (read) 

The first five verses of surah Alaq is the most important fact in this regard. It shows the that first message Allah thought was about seeking knowledge. The cornerstone of Islam is knowledge. 

“Read, ‘O Prophet,’ in the Name of your Lord Who created_ 

Created humans from a clinging clot 

Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous 

Who thought by the pen 

Thought humanity what they knew not.  (Al-Alaq 1-5) 

 In fact, this might be the only religion that doesn’t teach us to have faith blindly. Allah Himself ordered humans to ponder on the universe and study His signs

Knowledge is the basic foundational factor of being Muslim. In Islam, the road to knowledge is the one that takes the seeker to Jannah. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said, 

“For the way to knowledge is the way to Jannah.” 

So now it is our choice how many steps we are willing to take on this road of knowledge (Jannah).  

    Here are some basic levels that a person achieves on this journey of knowledge. 

II. Step 1: Seeking Knowledge 

    A. The obligation to seek knowledge in Islam 

To seek knowledge is one of the commands of Allah for Muslims. Because without proper knowledge we can’t even understand our religion. Holy prophet (PBUH) has said, 

“Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim ( Male and Female).”  

(Sunan Ibn Majaah) 

 Consequently, it is the duty of Muslims to see to it that we gain knowledge. 

    B. Importance of the intention in seeking knowledge 

Being Muslims, we should not only read but do it as guided by Allah. Allah says, 

 “Read, in the Name the name of your lord.” 

Therefore, knowledge should be acquired in such a way that we come closer to our creator, Allah. If it does not bring you closer to Allah, then that knowledge will be of no use in the hereafter. Allah gives us what we intend for when we are working on something. 

III. Step 2: Acquiring Knowledge 

    A. Importance of reliable sources and authentic teachers 

It is a blessing of Allah to have a righteous, sincere teacher. Because a teacher is a person who can awaken the desire for knowledge in his pupils. The world of knowledge has many roads and not all roads belong to all people. An authentic teacher can show his students the right path for which he was made. When the foundation of a building is strong and rightly built, the building turns out to be reliable and long-lasting. The same goes for an authentic teacher, whether it is a person or some books, it must be reliable. 

    B. Various methods of acquiring knowledge 

        1. Formal education 

Formal education is getting educated in an academic setup, imparted by a school, college, or any other educational institution. It is the most basic knowledge that one must know to cover the journey ahead. 

        2. Self-study 

It is a crucial step in which one explores which line is he interested in, or in which field one has his talents. This goes for both worldly as well as religious knowledge.  

Knowledge in islam


        3. Seek knowledge from experts 

After deciding on some particular line of interest, you should find someone who already has significant knowledge in that field. That someone would prove to be your backbone, supporter, and light in your journey of knowledge. 

    C. Overcoming obstacles in acquiring knowledge 

Every person, no matter in what stage of life, face obstacles. We have a choice; let the obstacle overcome us or overcome the obstacle.  

The Messenger of Allah said, “He who goes seeking knowledge, then he is in Allah’s cause until he returns.” 

Thus, when a Muslim is out there for Allah’s cause then he surely gets His protection too while facing obstacles. You just need to have strong faith in Allah.   

IV. Step 3: Applying Knowledge 

    A. Understanding the practical aspect of knowledge in Islam 

        1. Applying knowledge in daily life 

Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) used to say, “knowledge is taqwa.”  

And Taqwa is something that is apparent. Hence, the actual purpose of seeking knowledge is what we can act upon. A person with true wisdom can only be identified by his actions because one who doesn’t apply his knowledge to himself is just a mediocre person who has mugged up a few books.    

        2. Impact on personal and spiritual growth 

Beneficial knowledge is that which reflects on your inner self. Therefore, according to Islamic scholars if knowledge is not absorbed and personalized properly it could bring about a negative effect. Whenever the Sahaba learned a few verses of the Quran, they acted upon them and then moved on to the next verses. That’s why they excel and build strong spiritual characters and unshakable faiths.  

    B. Encouragement to share knowledge with others 

        1. The concept of “teaching is the best way to learn” 

The road to knowledge has no end, not in this world at least. Even when you are at the stage of teaching, you are bound to learn new things as well. Allah has granted every human being a specific perception and understanding. It is equally possible that your student interprets something in a way you never thought of. And so indeed, teaching is the best way to learn. 

teaching, seeking knowledge

        2. Spreading knowledge for the benefit of the community 

Applying knowledge is not only limited to oneself but the whole society around that person deserves to get benefited from that wisdom. A Muslim with true wisdom and knowledge affects people around him and benefits the community as well. What’s the point of getting knowledge and wisdom if you have not done something for the betterment of the world in return? Doing something meaningful for the community leaves your mark on it.  

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