Namaz Time :

Prophet Salih (PBUH)

Prophet Salih Story for kids

Prophet Salih (AS): An overview

After the destruction of the people of Ad, the next emerging, powerful, and prosperous nation was: the Thamud. The people of Thamud lived in the Al-Hajr area of Arabia.

Prophet Salih (AS) was a respected member of their society whom Allah chose as his next messenger.

Read on to learn more about Prophet Salih and his story in the Quran and Islam!

Who were the Thamud?

The nation of Thamud was very wealthy and affluent. After the destruction of the Ad, they had risen to power over a few decades. Like the Ad, they were famous for their architecture. They built grand homes, palaces, and mansions on the mountaintops of the desert.

These homes became a symbol of their wealth and prosperity.

They were also blessed with very fertile lands. They had an abundance of crops.

But their wealth and luxury led them to commit many sins. The rich became tyrants; they would force the needy to worship them as if they were Gods. They also became idol worshippers. Idol worship was deep-rooted in their society, just like their forefathers. They would punish anyone who refuted and rejected their gods.

Prophet Salih in Islam

Prophet Salih lived amongst the people of Thamud. He belonged to a good and affluent family. He was a well-liked and respected figure amongst the people of Thamud and was known for his honesty, wisdom, patience, and understanding. Because of these qualities, the people considered making him their leader.

Because of these qualities, Allah also chose him to be his Prophet. Prophet Salih was in the 8th generation of Prophets, after Prophet Noah.

After being chosen to become a Prophet by Allah, Prophet Salih began to call his people to the right path. He advised his people to stop their useless idol worship and return to worshipping Allah alone; because only He was worthy of worship.

“O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it. So ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive” (11:61).  

But the people did not listen to him. They rejected his views and took away the honor of making him their leader. They told him they would not make him their leader because he was against their idol gods.

The People of Thamud Reject Prophet Salih’s Message

As Prophet Salih worked to spread his message of Allah being the only god, his hatred spread in the people’s hearts. There were very few people who listened to and accepted Prophet Salih’s message; most of them rejected him.

“O Saleh, you were among us a man of promise before this. Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers worshipped?  And indeed we are in disquieting doubt about that to which you invite us.” (11:62) 

The people of Thamud thought of a way to make Salih look like a liar.

The Miracle of Prophet Salih

They asked him to produce a miracle from Allah if he was truthful, They were precise in what they wanted to witness: a 10-month pregnant, attractive, and gigantic she-camel whose milk would be enough for the whole town of Thamud!

They pointed out a big rock and told Prophet Salih they wanted to see a she-camel in its place.

After considering the matter, Prophet Salih inquired if they would repent and start believing in Allah if He showed them this miracle. The people all agreed to his demand.

Prophet Salih then prayed to Allah for the miracle. He desperately wanted his people to be corrected and return to the fold of Islam.

Prophet Salih and the She-Camel

prophet Salih Story

Finally, after praying to Allah, the day arrived when Allah had promised Salih that the she-camel would appear. Prophet Salih (PBUH) gathered the people of Thamud near the big rock to witness the miracle of Allah!

And in front of the disbeliever’s eyes, Allah ordered that very rock to split, and from it emerged a red, gigantic, ten-month pregnant she-camel, much to the awe of the people. It was clear evidence of Prophet Salih’s truth, and several people declared their faith after witnessing the miracle. However, the vast majority remained untouched, stating this was only magic.

Verily the dwellers of Al Hijr (the rocky tract) denied the Messengers. We gave them Our Signs, but they were averse to them. (15:80-81)

What was the name of Prophet Salih’s Camel?

The magnificent she-camel of Prophet Salih is known as the Naqa of Salih.

In the Quran, it is also mentioned in various places as Naqat Allah, or The She-Camel of God.

The impact of Naqa of Salih: Salih’s she-camel

Allah’s living, breathing miracle was present amongst Thamud’s people. Every day more and more people started to accept Salih’s message because of the presence of the she-camel. The she-camel also gave birth to its calf, causing more people to accept Allah as their Lord.

The disbelievers of Thamud grew more and more furious with each passing day. Eventually, their anger diverted towards the she-camel: they planned to kill it.

The People of Thamud plan to Kill the She-Camel

The she-camel was so big it would drink all the town’s water. When the people approached the well to drink water, they could not because the camel would not let them reach it. But the camel gave the people so much milk that it fulfilled the needs of all the people of Thamud.

Prophet Salih (PBUH) told the people that Allah had commanded them to let the camel and her calf drink as much water as they needed on one day, and they must not approach the well on this day. The next day would be designated for the people of Thamud. Therefore, making a routine of alternate days for the camel, its calf, and the people of Thamud.

But the people of Thamud had other plans.

They wanted to get rid of this amazing miracle of Allah. Soon Prophet Salih (PBUH) also learned of their evil intentions. He warned the people:

“O my people! This she camel of Allah is a sign to you, leave her to feed on Allah’s earth, and touch her not with evil lest a near torment will seize you.”

But the people paid no heed to Prophet Salih’s warning. They watched the camel and her calf, and when they came to drink water, they attacked her and killed her with arrows and spears.

They were heartless and immoral. Many of the people celebrated the killing of the camel. The men who had killed her were given gifts and awards.

Allah’s Wrath on the People of Thamud

Prophet Salih (PBUH) was disheartened by his people’s actions. He was saddened by their ignorance and warned them of the wrath of Allah:

But, even after the warning, they hamstring her. So he said: "You have but three days to enjoy your homes, that is a promise which will not be repudiated!" (11:65)

Prophet Salih warned the people that if they did not repent for their evil actions, Allah’s punishment would be meted out to them within 3 days. But the people of Thamud were completely drowned in their ignorance and illiteracy.

They challenged Allah by asking Prophet Salih why Allah is waiting 3 days; why doesn’t he send His punishment now?

They went so far ahead in their hatred that they started planning to kill Prophet Salih (PBUH).

The Unique Punishment of Salih’s People

Soon, Allah instructed Prophet Salih (PBUH) and the righteous people to leave the city and never return.

The Quran says:

"When Our Judgement came to pass, We saved Saleh and those who believed with him, through a special grace from Us, from the disgrace of that Day. Indeed your Rabb is All-Strong, All-Mighty." (11:66)

Then the punishment of the people of Thamud started. On the first day, their faces turned yellow; on the second day, their faces turned red, and finally, they turned black. But even after this, they did not repent.

They all ran into their gigantic homes, thinking that their home would protect them from Allah’s wrath.

Allah punished them by sending a high-frequency soundwave that nobody could survive after exposure. The people of Thamud did not even get a chance to understand what was happening to them. They all died on the spot after hearing the soundwave.

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