Namaz Time :

Prophet Idris: The Great Thinker

prophet idris story for kids

Who was prophet, Idris?

Prophet Idris was the third prophet in Islam after Prophet Adam (PBUH) and Prophet Seth(PBUH). He belonged to the fifth generation of Prophet Adam (PBUH). After the death of Prophet Seth (PBUH), the sons and daughters of Adam spread out in different parts of the world. Because they increased in number and spread to distant places, they started to forget about Allah and His commands.

The people started to lead lives full of lies, dishonesty, and deceit. Therefore, Allah sent Prophet Idris (PBUH) to correct the people of his nation and bring them back to the right path.

Where was Prophet Idris born?

Prophet Idris (PBUH) was born and raised in Babylon. He was born during the lifetime of Prophet Adam (PBUH).

How Tall Was Prophet Idris?

There is much speculation about the physical appearance and height of Prophet Idris. It has been reported that he was a broad man with a good height. He was handsome. But his greatest quality is his ability to think deeply about the universe and its Creator. He was an extraordinary intellectual, curious about the world and Allah’s various creations.

Allah says in the Quran about Prophet Idris’s character:

'And mention in the Book Idrīs. Indeed, he was a truthful one and a prophet,' (Surah Maryam, verse 56)

Migration from Babylon

Prophet Idris (PBUH) spent many years in Babylon trying to call the people back to Allah. He preached Allah’s message, but very few people listened to him. Most of the people ignored him.

So, Allah instructed Idris to migrate from Babylon to Egypt. In Egypt, he continued his mission. He called people to pray to Allah, fast, and give some portion of their belongings to the needy.

The Quran says about Prophet Idris:

'And [mention] Ishmael and Idrees and Dhul-Kifl; all were of the patient.' (Surah Anbiya Ayat 85)

Facts About Prophet

Prophet Idris (PBUH) was the first person to invent a basic form of writing.

By profession, he was a tailor. It is also said that he was the first person to sew clothes by hand.

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