Namaz Time :

Eid ul Fitr: The Festival of Breaking the Fast

eid al fitr

Eid ul Fitr

What is Eid ul-Fitr?

Eid ul Fitr is an Islamic festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th Islamic month. Muslims celebrate two festivals, Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha, which are observed as religious festivals. It marks the end of Ramadan, a holy month in which Muslims fast for a whole month and celebrate this festival as a reward or prize for fasting.

Eid ul Fitr, meaning:

(sometimes called “Eid al Fitr”) is an Arabic word. Eid means “festival or feast,” and Fitr means “breaking or ending the fast,” so Eid ul fitr refers to a festival of breaking the fast.

A brief history of Eid ul Fitr:

This festival was celebrated by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companion for the first time after he migrated from Makkah to Madinah. When Allah Almighty commanded the Holy Prophet to observe fasting in Ramadan, at the end of the month, Allah revealed the Eid al-Fitr celebration as a reward for those who observed fasting. The celebration has since been observed by Muslims all over the world.

Importance of Eid al-Fitr in Islam:

Eid is a day of great joy and happiness for Muslims all over the world. Especially on Eid ul Fitr because it is the day when Muslims are bestowed with a reward for fasting in Ramadan. Muslims also show their gratitude towards Allah for having a blessed month of Ramadan and giving them the courage and opportunity to get the blessings of the holy month. Celebrating Eid has also great importance and significance for Muslims as it is Sunnah.

How is Eid al-Fitr celebrated?

Preparations and celebrations

  • Preparation for Ramadan: In the last days of Ramadan, people prepare for Eid. Cleanings and decorations of houses are completed before the end of Ramadan. Most people shop at the start of Ramadan, and new clothes are made.
  • Eid ul Fitr moon sighting, Chaand Raat: On the 29th of Ramadan, all Muslims are eager and excited to see the new moon. A committee of some Muslim scholars has been set up for this purpose in every country. people used to search for the crescent in the sky on the 29th of Ramadan. If the moon appears, that night is called “Chand Raat,” which is also celebrated with great zeal. Girls and children apply henna (mehndi) on their hands, and special dishes are made for Eid.
  • Eid ul Fitr: On Eid morning male members of the family wear new and fine clothes after taking a bath and go for Eid prayer at the mosque. It is advised to go to the mosque using different paths while going and coming. Jabir Bin Abdullah narrated that

“On the Day of Eid, the Prophet used to return (after offering the Eid prayer) in a way different from that by which he went.”

It is Sunnah to eat something before going to Eid ul Fitr prayer. After Eid prayer, the imam delivers the Eid sermon, and people greet one another and say “Eid Mubarak”. Special dishes are made and served, and special family gatherings and parties are held. Children get some money( Eidi) from elders. Eid ul Fitr is also called the sweet or methi Eid,” as sweet dishes are considered mandatory on this Eid. Gift-giving is also another tradition of this special day.

Zakat ul Fitr/Sadaqah al-Fitr

  • Zakat ul Fitr: Zakat ul Fitr is a special donation or charity that is given to poor and needy people before Eid so that they can enjoy the happiness and joy of the holiday.

Abdullah bin Umar reported the Holy Prophet as saying that Zakat ul Fitr must be paid before people go out for prayer.

Zakat ul Fitr is also known as “Fitrana”. It is compulsory for every self-supporting adult Muslim to pay for it.

Abu Said Khudri reported that:

“We used to give one sa’ of meal, one sa’ of barley, one sa’ of dates, one sa’ of cottage cheese, or one sa’ of raisins (dried grapes) as Zakat-ul-Fitr.

What is Sadaqah al-Fitr?

In Shari’ah, the name of that charity is Sadaqah Fitr, which is paid as a thank you at the end of the month of Ramadan. Sadaqah Fitr is also an atonement for the shortcomings and mistakes of Ramadan. It is narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him. It is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Sadaqah al-Fitr is prescribed to cleanse the fasting person from idle talk and obscenity and to feed the needy. (Sunan Ibn Majah)

The reason for prescribing Sadaqah al-Fitr:

Sadaqah al-Fitr has been prescribed in Eid-ul-Fitr because it cleanses the fasting people from their sins and completes their fasts.
Also, in the homes of the rich, there is Eid on that day, different kinds of dishes are cooked, and good clothes are worn. In the homes of the needy, due to poverty, there is a similar form of fasting. So Allah Almighty made it necessary for the rich people to give Sadaqah Fitr to the needy before Eid so that they too can share in the happiness, they can also eat and drink and wear good clothes.

Proof of obligation of Sadaqah al-Fitr:

Many hadiths prove the obligation of Sadaqah al-Fitr, here are a few hadiths.

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made Sadaqah al-Fitr obligatory on Muslims, whether they are slaves or free, male or female, young or old. (Sahih Bukhari)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) says that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said at the end of Ramadan, “Give charity for your fasts.” (Sunan Abi Dawud)

Similarly, it is in the hadith that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent a person in the streets of Makkah to announce that Sadaqah al-Fitr is obligatory on every Muslim, whether he is male or female, free or slave, young or old. Great. (Jamia Tirmidhi)

Conditions for Sadaqah Fitr to be obligatory

The following are the conditions for Sadaqah Fitr to be obligatory.
  1. The person giving sadqah fitr must be a Muslim. Therefore, Sadaqah al-Fitr is not obligatory on a non-believer, because it is worship and a non-believer is not eligible for worship in a state of disbelief.
  2. A Muslim who is so rich that Zakat is obligatory on him or Zakat is not obligatory on him. But he has possessions or goods worth more than the necessary means, the value of which is equal to the value of fifty-two and a half tolas of silver. Therefore, he must give charity on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, whether it is commercial property or not, and whether the whole year has passed or not.
  3. (This year in March 2023, the price of five and a half tola silver in Pakistan is fixed between one hundred and twenty thousand rupees to one hundred and twenty thousand rupees. So you can find out the fixed price determined by yourself or someone from the gold market of your city)

The time when sadaqah al-fitr becomes obligatory

Sadaqah al-Fitr is obligatory after dawn on the day of Eid al-Fitr, so whoever dies before it will not be obligatory on him. Whoever dies after dawn on that day, this sadaqah is obligatory on him. The child who was born before him or who was a disbeliever and became a Muslim is also obligated to give Sadaqah al-Fitr, and if he was born after him or became a Muslim, then it will not be obligatory on him, because at the time of obligation, he He was not eligible.
(📚 Fatawa Alamgiri)

Time to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr:

It is permissible to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr before the day of Eid, but also before Ramadan. Therefore, it is permissible to give Sadaqah al-Fitr whether it is given during Ramadan or before that, but delaying it is not better. Al-Fitr will not be wajib and its giving will still be wajib on him because it is a financial act of worship which is not wajib without payment after it is wajib. it will not be called a fixer. *However, it is better to pay first before Eid so that the poor person will benefit*.
(Fatawa Alamgiri)

Amount of Sadaqah al-Fitr:

It is obligatory to pay Sadaqah Fitr in different types of things:
Wheat, barley, dates, raisins.
In wheat, half a saa, which is 1.75kg, and in all the rest one saa, i.e. three and a half kg.
Or give the same things, as these things are easily available in villages etc. and if these things are not available, like in the city, then pay for them. Accordingly, the price of dates has been fixed at around Rs 250 while barley at Rs 450, dates at around Rs 2100, and raisins at Rs 2800.*
In some cities, the price may be lower or higher than this, but in most cities, this price has been fixed this year.
Also, nowadays people have adopted the custom of paying Sadaqah Fitr with only wheat so that its cost is less. although there is no harm in it, wealthy people should pay Sadaqah with the price of dates, raisins, etc. Pay Fitr, so that it is more beneficial for the needy.

By whom is it obligatory to give Sadaqah al-Fitr:

  1. It is obligatory to pay Sadaqah Fitr by oneself. A common misconception is that they think that if they fast, they will pay Sadaqah Fitr. It should be clear that Sadaqah Fitr is not invalidated by not fasting. (Fatawa Shaami)
  2. It is obligatory to pay it on behalf of one’s minor child. However, the charity of a minor rich boy can be paid from his wealth. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
  3. If one of the parents is poor or mentally unstable, his charity will be obligatory for the children. (Fatawa Shaami)

By whom is it not obligatory to pay Sadaqah Fitr?

  1. It is not necessary to pay on behalf of the child who is in the mother’s womb, because his life is unknown. (Fatawa Shaami)
  2. The wife’s charity is not obligatory on the husband, however, if the husband wants to pay it of his own free will, he will be rewarded and this is a good thing. Similarly, adult children’s charity is not obligatory on the parents, but if the parents want to pay for it, it is permissible. However, if the adult child is non-sensical, then the ruling is that of the minor, that is, it will be paid from their wealth. However, if the father wants to pay by his own will, then it is a good thing. (Fatawa Shaami)
  3. Children don’t need to pay Sadaqah Fitr on behalf of their wealthy parents, but if the children want to pay it off of their own free will, it is a good thing. (Fatawa Aalamgiri)
  4. If a minor girl is only married off and handed over to her husband’s house and she is also worthy of her husband’s service and she does not have enough wealth to pay her Sadaqah Fitr, then it is not obligatory on the father to pay her Sadaqah Fitr. However, if the father wants to pay by his own will, then it is a good thing. (Fatawa Shaami)
  5. It is not wajib for a brother to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr on behalf of his younger siblings and other relatives. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
  6. An adult poor girl, whether married or unmarried, does not have to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr. However, if the father wants to pay for it, it is a good thing. (Fatawa Shaami)
  7. It is not wajib on the grandfather to pay the sadaqah al-fitr of his grandsons, while his son is alive, however, if the son is not alive, then the grandfather should pay it on his (children’s) behalf. (Fatawa Qazi Khan)

If the charity is paid by whom, it will be permissible?

  1. If a person gives Sadaqah al-Fitr on behalf of adult children and his wife without their permission, then it will be paid. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
  2. Paying Fitrah by someone other than her family is permissible with their permission and not permitted without permission. Doing so will pay off. (Fatawa Alamgiri)

The expenses of Sadaqah Fitr, that is, to whom will you give Sadaqah Fitr?

The expenses of Sadaqah al-Fitr are the same as the expenses of Zakat* and to pay it, it is necessary to make the intention of it and make the faqir its owner (so that he can spend it at his will).
(Fatawa Shaami)
  1. One man’s Sadaqah al-Fitr should be given to a single person or it should be distributed little by little among many poor people, both cases are permissible. (Fatawa Shaami)
  2. If the charity of several people is given to one person, it is also permissible. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
  3. It should be kept in mind that the giver should not be such a man that the fakir himself becomes the owner of the nisab with his wealth. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
  4. Giving zakat, fidya, expiation, and sadaqah al-fitr to sadats is also illegal in this era, but they can give them ordinary sadaqah. (Fatawa Shami)
  5. Sadaqah al-Fitr can be given in the madrasah by making a tamlik. In other words, any deserving person should become the owner and then contribute to the fund of the madrasah at his pleasure, whether the deserving person is a teacher or a student, but it cannot be given directly to the construction of a mosque or a madrasah. (Fatawa Shami)
  6. If the imam of the mosque is a teacher, then it is not permissible to give sadaqah al-fitr to him, similarly, if the imam of the mosque is poor, it is not permissible to give it as a salary, but he can give it in addition to his salary. (Fatawa Shami)
  7. If you want to give Sadaqah Fitr to minor poor children, then they can give Sadaqah Fitr to their guardians, however, if the minor child is rich, then Sadaqah Fitr cannot be given to him. (Fatawa Shami)
  8. If a person has a debt to someone and tells the debtor that they should deduct that much amount for himself as Sadaqah Fitr, then Sadaqah Fitr will not be paid in this way. (Fatawa Shami)
  9. If the inmates in the jail are poor and do not have the wealth of the Nisab, then they are poor, it is valid to pay Sadaqah Fitr to them. (Fatawa Shami)
  10. If a person dies and is responsible for zakat, sadaqah al-fitr, expiation or offering, etc., it will not be taken from his inheritance, but if his heirs pay according to Sharia, it is permissible, provided that the heirs Will not be forced. But if the deceased made a bequest while he was alive, then payment from his wealth is permissible and he will continue in one-third of his wealth. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
  11. If there are no needy people in some place, giving Sadaqah Fitr to the needy in another place will pay for it, but just taking out the money and keeping it separate will not pay Sadaqah Fitr. (Fatawa Alamgiri)

Which place is valid for paying Sadaqah al-Fitr for a Muslim living abroad?

If a person is residing abroad and his family wants to pay Sadaqah Fitr on his behalf, in which currency will they pay it? The country in which the person is living or in which his family is living?

So the answer to this question is that there is no limitation of currency in paying Sadaqah Fitr, whether it is a foreign currency or Pakistani rupees, in both cases, the payment of Sadaqah Fitr is correct, however, the price of wheat, dates, etc. is the price of foreign countries. Sadaqah al-Fitr should be paid by calculating the value of one of the above-mentioned items, whether he gives it to a poor deserving Muslim or sends the money to Pakistan, or without sending the money, calculates it there and tells it to someone here in Pakistan. That on my behalf gives such an amount of Sadaqah Fitr money.
In any case, the calculation of wheat, dates, etc. from abroad will be considered.
It will be better to contact the local scholars there.
In the same way, if his minor children are in Pakistan, Sadaqah Fitr will be paid according to the value of the same abroad, regardless of where it is paid, except that the payment of Sadaqah Fitr by his wife is obligatory on a man. No, rather the wife will pay by herself, but usually, since the husband pays, therefore, if a man is living abroad, it is better that in the case of payment in Pakistan, the wife should also pay Sadaqah Fitr abroad. However, if he wants to pay in Pakistan, even then it is permissible.
And if the price of these things here in Pakistan, i.e. wheat, dates, etc., is higher than in other countries, then pay it according to here.
(Al-Bahr al-Raiq)

Who can not give Sadaqah Fitr?

  • The consumption of Sadaqah al-Fitr is the same as the consumption of Zakat. Those Muslims who are deserving of Zakat al-Fitr and Zakat are those, who are not from Bani Hashim (sayyids or Abbasids, etc.). and do not have more wealth or goods than they need. exists whose value reaches Nisab (seven and a half tolas of gold, or fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, or the present value of fifty-two and a half tolas of silver). Zakat and Sadaqah al-Fitr can be given to such Muslims.
  • Zakat al-Fitr is not obligatory on a person who deserves Zakat. so it is permissible to give Zakat al-Fitr to such a person. And a person on whom Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory does not deserve Zakat.
  • It is not permissible to give Sadaqah al-Fitr to a non-Muslim, similarly, one cannot give them Zakat, Fidya, or Kaffara, but one can give them Sadaqah and Charity.
  • – *Sadaqa al-Fitr* and likewise Zakat, Usher Kaffarah or Fidya to their principal (i.e. parents, grandfather, grandmother, maternal grandfather, grandmother, etc. up) and the children (son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, grandson, a great-grandson, etc. down to the bottom). cannot give, similarly a wife cannot give to her husband and a husband cannot give to his wife. However, they can give Sadaqah Fitr or Zakat, etc. to their poor deserving brother, sister, or mother-in-law and wife’s brother, sister, or other relatives. ( Kitab al-Zakah)

Eid ul Fitr celebrations and traditions around the world:

Eid ul Fitr

Eid ul Fitr is a day of enjoyment and festivity for Muslims all over the world. It is celebrated in different ways by Muslims of different countries according to their traditions and cultures. Celebrations may vary according to culture and traditions, but the main purpose of celebrating this day is the same. On this day, different kinds of dishes are made and served, and some special activities are performed. The way of wishing Eid to family and friends is also different in many countries. No matter in which country they are their motive to celebrate this day. And to show their gratitude to Allah and follow the sunnah of the Holy Prophet.

Eid ul-Fitr 2024

As the holy month of Ramadan is going to end. Muslims all over the world are looking forward to Eid al-Fitr. According to the Islamic lunar calendar, The date may vary in other countries according to their time zones.

Eid ul Fitr greetings and wishes:

Eid is a merrymaking day for all of us. “The Quranic Studies Center” wishes all of you a happy Eid Mubarak. Our mission is to provide true and authentic knowledge and facts about Islam and the Quran. The Quranic Studies Center is an online academy that offers Islamic courses. Here are some unique quotes, messages, wishes, and greetings you can send to your friends and family members.

  • Wishing you this day of joy and happiness. May Allah accept your ibadah and bless you with His mercy. Eid Mubarak!
  • I wish you a happy Eid Mubarak! Stay happy and enjoy this day with your near and dear ones.
  • Wishing you a Happy Methi Eid Mubarak! May Allah accept your worship and prayers during Ramadan and bless you and your family on this special day.
  • Eid is a time to share your happiness and joy with others and forget your sorrows. May Allah bless you and fill your life with joy. Happy Eid Mubarak!
  • Eid is not a day to be sad and remember the people who are not with us; it is a day to pray for them and imagine them being with us. Eid Mubarak! May Allah replace your sorrows with joys.
  • Eid is not just a day to put on a new dress and eat delicious food but to remember those who are deprived of these things. Take care of such types of people around you and make your way to Jannah. May Allah fill your day with the light and colors of His mercy. Eid Mubarak!
  • This is a day to meet and welcome everyone by forgetting all the hatred and disputes. May Allah bless you with joy and happiness. Happy Eid Mubarak!

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