Namaz Time :

Eid Milad un Nabi: Bida’a or Tradition?

milad nabi

12th Rabbi-ul-Awal marks the proposed birthday of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), or Mawlid ul Nabi. Muslims worldwide celebrate this day with joy and enthusiasm. In many countries, it is a national holiday. People cook and distribute food to the poor and needy, give money as sadaqah in charity, and furthermore, believe that doing good deeds, in general, are highly rewarded during this time.

Additionally, many others believe that this is a time for increased worship. Praying Tahajjud, the night prayers or fasting, is a norm.

But there is great controversy surrounding the Mawlid ul Nabi. Many celebrated scholars and Imams believe this celebration is an innovation, or Bida’a, something not advised by the Prophet.

Read on to learn more about this controversial holiday in the Islamic calendar.

What is Mawlid ul Nabi Meaning?

Also known as Mawlid, Mawlid un Nabi Sharif, and Eid Milad, Milad-un-Nabi is the grand occasion of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday. The literal meaning of the word Mawlid is to give birth, derived from Arabic.

It is an important day in the history of Islam. Although the exact date of his birthday is unknown and remains debatable, it is observed on the 12th of Rabi ul-Awwal. Rabi ul-Awwal is the third month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar.

When is Mawlid ul Nabi 2023?

Mawlid ul Nabi celebrations will begin on the eve of 27th September 2023 and end on the eve of 28th September 2023. Muslims usually distribute food among the poor and needy, pray the night prayers, and send Salawat to the Prophet.

Who Celebrates Mawlid?

Mawlid al nabi

Muslims from all over the world celebrate this occasion. Most widely celebrated in the Sub-Continent of Asia, Muslims carry out extensive prayers, give large amounts in charity, and hold prayer gatherings in their homes and mosques.

Mosques and other areas of prayer and worship are decorated with lights, and special processions are also held for the occasion.

Where Did Mawlid Celebrations Come From?

The Mawlid celebrations started centuries after the Prophet’s death when many of the features of religion had changed, and bida’a had become widespread.

Eventually, this occasion became a sign of one’s love for the Prophet (PBUH). But could it be that the Sahabah and the imams were unaware of it, and only those who came later were aware of its importance?! 

Which Countries Celebrate Mawlid?

The Mawlid is celebrated across the globe in many Muslim countries. Here’s a list of the countries that celebrate it:

  • Pakistan
  • Ethiopia
  • India
  • the United Kingdom
  • Turkey
  • Nigeria
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Maldives
  • Morocco
  • Jordan
  • Libya

Why is Mawlid Controversial?

This occasion is highly controversial in the Islamic world because it was not celebrated by the Prophet (PBUH). The Sahabah or companions of the Prophet did not celebrate it either.

Moreover, Allah has not mentioned anything about celebrating the Prophet’s birthday in the Quran.

Are Muslims Allowed to Celebrate the Mawlid ul Nabi?

To answer this question accurately, we must first answer another question:

What is Bida’a?

Bidah is from the root word Al-Bada – which means to create something without precedence. Bida’a is unacceptable because it is an innovation. Bida’a should be avoided at all costs because it is a great sin in matters of religion.

Whoever innovates something into this matter of ours which does not belong to it will have it rejected” (Bukhari 2550)

Is it Haram to Celebrate Mawlid ul Nabi in Islam?

And now, returning to the main question: the status of Mawlid ul Nabi in Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) said about himself:

Milad nabi

None of the Prophet’s companions or celebrated scholars have ever celebrated Mawlid ul Nabi. Therefore, the Mawlid celebrations are a Bida’a and should be avoided, without a doubt.


The Prophet (PBUH) told us of the danger of disobeying him and adding to his Sunnah. The celebration of his birthday is indeed an addition to his message – as all the scholars agree. 

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“The best of speech is the Book of Allah, and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those which are newly-invented (in religion), and every innovation is a going astray.” (Reported by Muslim and al-Nasai).

Therefore, as Muslims, we must follow Allah’s message and the Prophet’s Sunnah as is revealed to us. We must not add anything new to an already perfect religion!

We ask Allah to protect us from all forms of bida’a! Ameen

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