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Islam & Christianity: World’s Apart or Similar?

Islam & Christianity

The History of Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity both go back several hundred years. Not only do they both have a deep-rooted history, but they are also connected.

In both faiths, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) is known to be the religion’s founder. Both religions consider Jesus Christ, or Prophet Isa (PBUH), a prophet and messenger of God.

Additionally, the Quran and the Bible contain many of the same stories about Prophets. The similarities don’t end here. Read on to learn more about the similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity.

Is Christianity Older than Islam?

Both religions originated from Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). They have many similarities, but Christianity is older than Islam.

Christianity was developed on the teachings of Jesus, or Prophet Isa (PBUH), in the 1st century CE.

Islam developed in the 7th century CE after Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) received the first Wahi during the 6th century CE.

What Do Christianity and Islam Have in Common?

One of the basic principles shared by both religions is the belief in one God or monotheism. Other common beliefs are faith in angels, prophets, and the Day of Judgment. Both religions also believe in an afterlife, heaven, and hell, although the details of each religion’s version of these concepts differ.

Additionally, both religions stress that their followers should behave and dress modestly. Finally, followers are encouraged to give alms and charity. Empathy for humankind is stressed in both religions.

The Scriptures

The Quran is the holy book of the Muslims. Muslims believe the Quran is the last revealed text and the authentic word of God. It was revealed over a period of 23 years to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Muslims use the Quran for understanding how to lead their lives according to Allah’s will. It also explains the history of the many prophets and their life stories.

The Quran also explains that all Muslims must believe in the divine books of Christianity, the Old Testament, and the New Testament because God revealed them.  Therefore, a Muslim’s faith is incomplete if they do not believe in the Bible when it does not differ from the Quran. 

"Say: If the whole of mankind and Jinns gather together to make out a book like this Holy Qur’an, they could not do it even if they back up each other with help and support." (Holy Quran, 17:88)

The Bible is the holy book of Christians. it consists of two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The Old Testament was written before the birth of Christ. The New Testament was written in the decades following the death of Christ. Christians believe that the Bible is written by various authors but inspired by the words of God.

What does the Bible say about Islam?

Islam is not mentioned in the Bible. The Quran, however, mentions Christianity and Prophet Isa, or Jesus in detail.

The Bible merely mentions the children of Ibrahim as the Arabic people and inhabitants of the “eastern country.”

The Prophets

Both religions acknowledge Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) as the founding father of all prophets. Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was deeply devoted to Allah, and Allah made many of his descendants prophets too.

The story of Prophet Ibraham being commanded to sacrifice his son is renowned in Christianity and Islam. 

25 prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran, while more than 1,24,000 Messengers are recorded according to Hadith.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is the final messenger of Allah; this fact is mentioned many times in the Quran:

Muhammad was not the father of any of your men, but he was the messenger of God and the seal of the prophets. God is Knowledgeable of all things. 33:40

Christianity acknowledges the existence of Prophet Muhammad but does not believe in his Prophethood.  

 As for Jesus or Prophet Isa, Christians and Muslims have similar beliefs.  Both believe that his mother, Maryam (in Islam) or Mary, was a virgin when she gave birth to him.  Both religions believe that Jesus was sent as a Messiah to the people of Israel and that he performed miracles.

 However, Islam rejects the notion that Jesus is God or is part of the Trinity, which is the core belief of Christianity that says that there is One God who has three manifestations, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

The Return of Jesus and the Antichrist

Islam and Christianity believe that Prophet Isa (PBUH) will be resurrected before the day of Judgement. They also believe in the coming of the Antichrist, or Dajjal. They believe that before the world’s end, the Dajjal will appear, and Prophet Isa will return and conquer him.

The Prophet (saw) said:

"The great fierce battle, the conquest of Constantinople and the emergence of Dajjal, will all happen within seven months."

The Afterlife and the Day of Judgement

Islam and Christianity believe this life will end, and we will stand before God, accountable for all our deeds on Earth. As a result of the lives we lead on Earth, we will be sent to either heaven or hell. Here we will live our eternal lives.

This is mentioned in the Quran:

“[On that Day,] then, shall you be [divided into] three kinds. Thus, there shall be such as will have attained to what is right: oh, how [happy] will be they who have attained to what is right! And there shall be such as will have lost them-selves in evil: oh, how [unhappy] will be they who have lost themselves in evil! But the foremost shall be [they who in life were] the foremost [in Faith and good works]: they who were [always] drawn close unto God!” 56-7

Prohibited Food and Drink

In the Quran, Allah instructs Muslims to eat only the food He has made lawful, or halaal. Pork and alcohol are strictly forbidden. Many other criteria need to be followed before consuming meat.

Allah says in the Quran:

Therefore eat of what Allah has given you, lawful and good (things), and give thanks for Allah's favor if him do you serve. (16:114)

Christians are also prohibited from drinking alcohol or eating pork. The meat of an animal that was dead before slaughtering and the blood of animals is also forbidden.

Tolerance towards Other Religions

Islam and Christianity both preach tolerance to people of other religions. They believe that all religions should be respected and that no one should be persecuted for their beliefs.

Both religions teach that forcefully converting someone to another religion is a sin. In Islam, it is called takfir. People of all faiths must be allowed to live together in peace and harmony.

How Are Islam and Christianity Different?

Some fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity make them two completely separate religions.

The Trinity: What is the Trinity?

The Trinity is a core belief in Christianity. It states that there is One God who has three manifestations, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that Jesus is also the Son of God. The Holy Spirit is also God, but in many ways also represents Gabriel, an angel.

This controversial doctrine caused the split between the Eastern and Western churches.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

As mentioned, Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammed is the last and final Prophet. Christians do not believe him to be a prophet. Unlike Christians, who believe that Jesus was the son of God, Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammed was mortal, albeit innocent.

Salvation from Sins

Muslims believe that all people are born without any sins. During their lifetime, they commit many sins, knowingly and unknowingly.

Allah is Merciful and Forgiving. If a Muslim repents for his sins and seeks Allah’s forgiveness with pure intentions, then Allah will surely forgive him. Now, they must try to lead a righteous life on Allah’s path.

In Christianity, the death of Jesus Christ results in salvation. The death of the innocent Jesus was the perfect blood sacrifice, which resulted in salvation and erased the sins of all people who accepted Jesus as the son of God and believed in his resurrection.


There are many profound similarities between Islam and Christianity. Both are leading religions in the modern world. They have also influenced the world in many ways. Christian scholars contributed to literature, the arts, and music, whereas Muslim scholars made significant additions to science, math, and astronomy.

Islam greatly influenced many countries’ legal systems and helped shape cultural beliefs and values. Christianity helped to develop our modern-day system of democracy.

Both religions advocate peace and harmony amongst people of all religions, races, and ethnicities. It is crucial to promote this belief in our world today. May Allah grant us all tolerance and understanding! Ameen!

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