Namaz Time :

Prophets Adam (PBUH)

Prophet Adam Story for kids

As we start our series Prophets: Stories of The Prophets in Islam, starting with the very first Prophet on Earth makes sense. Who was the first Prophet?

So let’s learn about the very first man created by Allah and the first Prophet.

Who is Prophet Adam (PBUH): The First Prophet?

The very first Prophet and man on earth was Prophet Adam (PBUH). There is much curiosity about the physical appearance of the First Prophet of Allah in Islam.

Now that we know the stature of a Prophet in Islam let’s get to know the very first Prophet and man on earth: Prophet Adam (PBUH).

Prophet Adam (PBUH)’s Height

What did the first Prophet look like? What was Prophet Adam (PBUH)’s height? There is much curiosity about the physical appearance of the First Prophet of Allah. In the Quran, Allah states that Prophet Adam (PBUH) was recognized for his great height: 60 cubits.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said:

"Allah created Adam in his complete shape and form (directly), sixty cubits (about 30 meters) in height. The Prophet added 'So whoever will enter Paradise, will be of the shape and form of Adam. Since then the creation of Adam's (offspring) (i.e. stature of human beings) is being diminished continuously to the present time."

Narrated: Abu Huraira

But when sent to Earth, he came as an average man.

The Birth of Adam (PBUH)

Muslims know that first, Allah created the universe consisting of the Earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything in the world, long before He created humans. After the creation of the universe, Allah decided to create mankind.

Allah created Adam’s body

So to create man Allah instructed the Angels to gather different types of clay from the earth. The angels gathered all the various colors of soil for Allah. And finally, from this clay, Allah created the shape of a man, Prophet Adam (AS). But He did not breathe life into this shape for another 40 years. During this time, the Angels and the Shaitan Iblis observed and grew fearful of the clay figure.

Allah breathe life into Adam’s body

After 40 years, the clay had hardened, and Allah decided to breathe life into the clay figure. As Allah’s spirit reached the head of Adam (PBUH), he sneezed and said, ‘Subhan Allah‘. In this way, the first words uttered by a man on earth were in praise of Allah (SWT).

As His spirit reached Adam (PBUH)’s stomach, he grew hungry, and finally, before it reached his legs, he jumped and fell! Hence, Allah declared man to be impatient. This is how the birth of Prophet Adam took place.

The Creation of the Devil: Shaitaan

Allah (SWT) ordered all the Angels to prostrate to Prophet Adam (PBUH). This led to the creation of the devil Shaitaan as we know him. All the Angels accepted Allah’s command and bowed down to Prophet Adam (PBUH), all except Iblis!

Iblis was proud and arrogant in addition to being boastful. He declared that he was better than Adam as he was made of fire and refused to bow down to him. Allah excluded him from Heaven and Iblis vowed to cause all Muslims to commit sins as long as the world existed.

Allah says in the Quran:

When We ordered the angels: "Prostrate before Adam in respect," they all prostrated except Iblees (Shaitan) who refused in his arrogance and became a disbeliever.

Surah 2: Ayah 34

Next, Allah (SWT) taught Prophet Adam (PBUH) everything himself. Adam (PBUH) symbolized knowledge because Allah taught him everything.

He taught Adam the names of all things; then He presented the things to the angels and said: "Tell Me the names of those if what you say is true?" (Allah did this to show Adam's special qualities of learning and memory).

Surah 2: Ayah 31

The Birth of Eve (AS)

Adam (PBUH) lived in Heaven as time passed but grew lonely. Allah recognized this loneliness, and from Adam’s (PBUH) shortest left rib, He created the first woman: Eve (AS).

Adam (PBUH) was asleep when Allah created Eve. Imagine his surprise when he woke up! Adam asked Eve who she was and where she came from. Eve replied that Allah had created her from his shortest left rib to give him peace and happiness.

The Forbidden Fruit

What is the Forbidden Fruit?

Adam (PBUH) and Eve (AS) lived happily in Heaven for a long time. Allah granted them all the blessings of Heaven; except for one. Allah warned them never to eat the fruit from a particular tree and it is not mentioned in Quran or any Hadees what kind or which fruit was that. He also warned them against Shaitaan. Allah (SWT) said that Shaitaan would try to persuade them to eat the forbidden tree’s fruit, but they must not accept it.

Allah said: "O Adam! Dwell with your wife in paradise and eat any fruit you please, but never approach this tree or you shall both become wrongdoers."

Man’s First Disobedience

Many years passed, and Adam (PBUH) eventually forgot Allah’s warning and fell prey to Shaitaan’s constant attacks. Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree! They felt instant regret and shame. The surroundings of Heaven changed: the internal music stopped. Additionally, Adam and Eve discovered they were naked! They covered themselves with leaves.

Adam and Eve realized they had committed a grave error! Allah excluded them from Heaven; it was a Friday when they first set foot on Earth. Adam (PBUH) came down on As-Safa Mountain, and Eve (AS) came down on Al-Marwah Mountain.

Life on Earth

Once Allah placed Adam and Eve on earth, they knew that a difficult road lay ahead. Adam (PBUH) had to protect himself and his family from the hardships of weather, hunger, and: Shaitaan. Together Adam and Eve started a family. Eve (AS) gave birth to two sets of twins.

Both sets had 1 boy and 1 girl. The boys were called Cain and Abel. When they grew into adults, Cain became a farmer, and Abel was a shepherd who looked after his animals. When they reached the age to marry, Allah instructed Adam (PBUH) that each twin brother should marry the other’s, twin sister.

Why Did Cain Kill Abel?

Why did Cain kill Abel? What drove Cain to commit such a crime? Abel was happy when this news reached the brothers, but Cain became furious. Cain wanted to marry his twin sister. The situation became grave as Cain would not listen to his father.

Adam (PBUH) prayed to Allah for a solution. Allah commanded that each of the brothers should make a sacrifice, and whosoever’s sacrifice was accepted could marry as he pleased.

Abel offered his best animal for the sacrifice to Allah, but Cain brought the worst of his crops. As a result, Allah did not accept Cain’s sacrifice. This made Cain even angrier, and he threatened to kill Abel.

The First Crime on Earth

His chance to make good on his threat came when one day Abel was late returning home from his farm. Adam (PBUH) urged Cain to go look for his brother. Cain seized this opportunity and killed his brother.

This was the very first crime committed on Earth.

When Abel was nowhere to be found, Adam (PBUH) asked Cain again about his brother. Cain responded: ‘I am not my brothers’ keeper!’ At this instance, Adam knew that Abel was no more.

Allah says in the Quran:

Recite to them in all truth the story of Adam's two sons: How each offered a sacrifice, and how the offering of one was accepted while that of the other was not. The latter said: "I will kill you." The former replied: "Allah only accepts the sacrifice from the righteous.

Surah 5: Ayah 27

The First Burial on Earth

Since this was the first death on earth, Cain had no idea what to do with his brother’s dead body. He carried it around on his back for a long time, looking for a place to dispose of it.

Allah (SWT) finally sent two crows fighting before Cain. One of the crows killed the other. The alive crow dug a hole in the ground with its beak and pulled the body of the dead crow into it. He covered the body with soil.

Witnessing this, Cain also did the same for his brother’s body. This was the very first burial on Earth.

Adam (PBUH) was saddened by the death of his son Abel and the loss of his son Cain, who succumbed to the Shaitaan. Adam spent the rest of his life trying to guide the rest of his children toward Allah and the right path.

The Death of the First Prophet of Islam

One day, Adam (PBUH) realized that his death was near. He felt the craving for the fruits of Heaven and requested his children to find some for him. While his children were searching for the fruit, they met Angels. Among them was the Angel of Death. The angels told them to return to their father because he was about to pass away.

Peaceful Death

When the children returned to their parents, the angels came with them. Eve (AS) saw and recognized the Angel of Death. Adam (PBUH) died a peaceful death surrounded by the Angels. The Angel’s presence comforted him, and he, in turn, comforted his wife, Eve, who was rightly upset. Adam (PBUH) reminded his children to follow the path of Allah. He told them that Allah would send Prophets at various times, and they would all call the people to Allah.

Allah says in the Quran:

O children of Adam! Whenever there come to you Rasools from among you and recite to you My revelations, those who will become righteous and mend their ways will have nothing to fear or to regret;

Surah 7: Ayah 35

Prophet Adam (PBUH) was buried in the presence of his family and the Angels of Allah!

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